Reporters go head to head in Brookline skateboarding face-off

So here’s the delio. I wrote a story this past week which came out today in the Brookline TAB about a push for a skateboard park. Turns out my friend and former colleague back at the TAB, Brock Parker, did exactly the same story for Globe West. I want readers to compare the two and vote on which is better. It’s that simple.

This is a battle of mock-epic proportions between two Gatehouse ex-patriots who have moved on. One, Brock, on to bigger and better things. One, me … well, just plain moved on. But it’s about more than just skateboarding in Brookline. This is personal. Me vs Brock. TAB vs Globe. Short vs. tall. Union vs Confederate. There are all kinds of factors here. Please read the two, compare writing, sources and photos, and decide for yourself which is better.

Small disclaimer: This is all meant in jest. I’m good friends with Brock, and hopefully he is with me, too. Just capitalizing on a bizarre coincidence.

About Don Seiffert

I'm a reporter and writer in the Boston area.
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14 Responses to Reporters go head to head in Brookline skateboarding face-off

  1. Brock says:

    I vote for me, three times.

  2. Brock says:

    though, you did get ollie in the story. I’m slipping

  3. prvogler says:

    I vote for Don because, well, I know him and have no idea who Brock is. And he did get Ollie in there so…..

  4. Marcy says:

    Very nice Don, I mean Brock, I mean Don..You all get what I mean πŸ˜‰ I like that lede lede Don..

  5. Wolfman-K says:

    So yeah… who is to say Don isn’t Brock, or visa versa… Whats better than being a freelance writer (well most anything actually) but being two freelance writers… πŸ˜‰

  6. Brock says:

    I have officially waited long enough to cast yet another vote for me. Can you say mandate?

  7. donseiffert says:

    You think you have a mandate? What’s your mandate? And I now vote for me infinity times so there.

  8. Brock says:

    You can’t vote for you because this being your blog you have a conflict of interest.

  9. Marcy says:

    OK, this makes me miss writing a little bit, not a lot, just a drop..Now, just get along boys..he he..

  10. Jim says:

    I’m voting Seiffert. The story was better and the photos were WAYYYYY better.

  11. Jim says:

    Of course I wrote that before I actually looked at the Globe story. Barry Chin’s photo is pretty sweet.

  12. Kel says:

    Like both ledes with those poor boys getting my sympathy…. Good job, but I must vote for Don. πŸ™‚

  13. Laura says:

    Don you have my vote. I like your lede better and basically your writing style. But maybe I am biased because I know you! LOL! πŸ˜€

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